2 comments on “Ein Luftfahrtpionier in Trebsen-Pauschwitz?

  1. Sehr geehrter Herr, könnten Sie mir sagen, ob das zweite von Emil Némethy hergestellte Flugzeug vor oder nach dem 17. Dezember 1903 fertiggestellt wurde?

    Könnten Sie mir auch sagen, auf welcher Seite der Illustrierten Zeitung vom 14. Januar 1904 der Artikel über dieses Flugzeug veröffentlicht wurde?

    Alles Gute für 2024,

    Renald Fortier, emeritierter Kurator, Kanadas Luft- und Raumfahrtmuseum, Ottawa


    Dear Sir, Would it be possible for you to tell me if the second aircraft made by Emil Némethy was completed before or after December 17th, 1903?

    Would you also be able to tell me on which page of the January 14th, 1904 issue of Illustrirte Zeitung the article on that aircraft was published?

    All the best for 2024,

    Renald Fortier, Curator emeritus, Canada Aviation and Space Museum, Ottawa

    • Dear Mr Fortier,

      thank you for the request! I wish you also a happy and especially healthy new year!

      Unfortunately, I cannot answer both questions. I didn’t deal with it that precisely. But I would send you something else by email. A Hungarian essay in a trade journal (including the sources) and the author’s email address. Maybe they can help you? Perhaps the German reports at that time were also reproduced in English-language magazines („Scientific American“, New York, Vol. 85 (3. August 1901) und Vol. 91 (9. Juli 1904))?

      Good luck with your further search & best wishes

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